Tuesday, 10 November 2020

An Ex-Com

It's a fun game, and it is at least 'something like' the original, but for what it's worth, I'd rather go and play the OG game again, pixel graphics n' all.

This game is great, but the difficulty levels are nonsense, ranging from DERP-mode active to OMFGBBQ!!!111one insta-pwn with no happy middle ground. This made me REALLY hate trying to achieve the 'harder game modes'

The graphics are fine, but I found myself disliking the 'locked' angles, a misstep if you ask me, attempting to 'recreate' a perfect simulacrum of how the OG game was presented, but in a game engine that isn't actually limited in the way that old sprite driven game engine was... A 'free' camera would have suited this game so much more.

Sounds were pretty cool, guns went bang people yelled etc, all in good order, but; OMFG cut scenes, SO MANY CUTSCENES... nearly everything I did in game spawned another 5 second (often) un-skippable cutscene... Make a  new thing- cutscene. See an alien- cutscene. Launch a ship- cutscene. JUST STOP! utterly destroyed my will to continue playing.

Skyranger, XCOM

[Above:] Just one of many cutscenes to enjoy.

There was an occasional game-breaking bug, people stuck in ground, UI disappearing, My game even locked up a couple of times with no apparent way to either resume the game or kill the process easily even though the game was 'still running'.

All in all, I enjoyed playing this, and even got the DLC which I intend to run through. But unlike the OG game which captivated me for literally days at a time, this one I think I'll be glad when I'm done with it.

Overall I'd say this is a solid 6/10- Not a complete waste of money.

Gaming Review summary:
Graphics 4/5
Audio 4/5
Gameplay 3/5
Features 2/5
Weighted Score: 58%
Commander, this cutscene will interrupt your review, you should check out the foundry for updates
I didn't utterly hate my time playing this game, but then, I can't say I was thrilled by it at any stage. Also: No Snakemen...

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