About Snooze Reviews

Hey, hallo, wilcommen and all the rest,

This entire project is nothing more than a place for me to vent my ever increasing amounts of GOM (grumpy old man) at the world wide intertubes, sure there are many review sites out there (and I've even posted to a few of them..) but finally I decided to go direct, here I'll be attempting to give my own, sometimes opinionated and self righteous reviews, of things that I come across in my day to day be it a new laptop, an internet shop, or a particularly good brand of coffee, I'll try to post something here to only further add to the amount of utter shit that can be found not only here, but all around the web at large.

Mostly it will end up being computer games... so if wasting your life on digital crack isn't your cup of tea I suggest ignoring the rest of this blog and move on to find something more interesting.

Some people might read it, some might take a brief glance, I expect for the most part this little blog will be entirely missed and go unnoticed (unless I accidentally speak out of line and upset someone... then I'll probably be sued)

I'm a 30 something guy from the UK with too much time to engage in mindless drivel, so stick around and read some of it!

Ol' Joe